Young boy pushes another boy on a tricycle. Six young children crowd around a picture book. The text reads: "Discover a sense of belonging.:
Three young children wearing winter coats sit on a bench outside. The two boys wear matching coats and hats.
A preschool-age boy pulls two other young boys in a red wagon.
Three young girls sit in a garden and look at orange tomatoes on a tray. The text reads: "Discover healthy ways of living"
Five preschoolers in coats stand at a chain-link fence, looking over a forest of pine trees and a valley.


Our mission is to build a community of early childhood professionals and families dedicated to creating rich learning environments that support all children.


Discovery is a place that nurtures and helps develop confident, caring human beings in a setting where play is embraced as the best learning tool, family is recognized and involved, and diversity of skills and abilities is valued.

Core Values

PLAY – We believe play is a child’s work and that they learn best by having amble time to play and explore.

CAPABLE AND COMPETENT – We believe children can be active participants in their learning and that of others.

EMPATHY AND BELONGING – We believe helping children become aware of teh various gifts and abilities they and their peers possess promotes tolerance and respect for others.

RIGHT TO EXPLORE – We believe children have the right to experience and explore new and different experiences indoors and out, with enough time and space to imagine and explore in ways that nurture deep learning.

RESPECTFUL RELATIONSHIPS – We believe children need and deserve relationships with adults who know and care about them and celebrate them.

FAMILIES – We believe we cannot do our work without involving the families of the children we care for.